 An exceptional potting soil for indoor and outdoor containers.
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Control garden weeds--they are easiest to control when young. Use an appropriate herbicide, hoe or pull by hand. (Be sure to take care in applying herbicides to prevent spray drift from damaging desirable plants.)
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(562) 804-2513
6220 Lakewood Blvd
Lakewood, CA 90712
Monday through Friday: 7:30 - 5:00
Saturday: 8:00 - 5:00
Sunday: 9:00 - 4:00
 Helps produce more abundant, better tasting and more nutritious vegetables.
 Especially formulated for the needs of palm, cactus, citrus & succulents.
 Ideal for a variety of in-ground and container planting.
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"Nature never did betray the heart that loved her." ~William Wordsworth
Deciduous Fruit Trees
are Here!
Offer Ends Soon! New deciduous fruit trees in 5 gal. size and up are 20% off only until 02/29/2020.
Please click here to see our 2020 Rose Selection
Pulp Pot Pricing Will End February 29th
Take Advantage of early-season pricing!
For example, 5 gal bush roses are currently from 17.99 to 22.99. The established pricing in the 5 gal will be 25.99.
Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is one of the best known houseplants out there. Tolerant to low light, infrequent watering, and outright neglect, it is best known for its shiny leaves, long, draping foliage, and its ability to purify air where it is kept.
Depending on conditions, Pothos will grow shoots that are as long as 6-10' long, dangling from the outside of its pot (in the tropical climates where it is native, these can be as long as 40'. ) This makes it ideal in a hanging basket.
Pothos can survive with minimal sunlight, but cannot do entirely without, so plan to place it in a room with a window. It will also do fine under the bright fluorescent tubes most offices have, so if you want to take it to work with you, don't worry about windows.
Care for this is very simple. Let the dirt dry out before watering again. Too much water can cause root rot and wash out nutrients in the soil.
Too much watering will cause drooping and possibly black spots on the leaves. The best way to tell if it needs water is to use a finger and dip it into the soil. If you get wet dirt on your finger, wait a couple more days.
They prefer slightly acidic soil, but as long as your soil drains well, it should be fine. The plant can either be allowed to grow long vines to drape down around it, or pruned up to give it a bushier shape. As with any plant, confine your trimming to less than 1/3rd of the volume of the plant.
When the leaves start to regularly droop, even upon watering, it is a good sign that it's time to transplant into a larger container. If you're cursing your black thumb, or just hoping for some low-maintenance greenery in your home, give Pothos a try.
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Many palms are slow-growing, and consequently, large specimens are often expensive. But don't be deterred from growing palms; if you provide the right conditions, even small plants will gradually become impressive specimens.
Not all palms grow large, and many are compact enough for a tabletop. Some are even small enough to use in a bottle garden while young.
The most common mistake is to regard all palms as lovers of hot sunshine and desert-dry air. They often have to cope with both in countries where they grow outdoors, but as houseplants you want them to remain in good condition with unblemished leaves.
- Keep cool in winter, but not less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Keep out of direct sunshine unless you know that your palm revels in the sun (a few do).
- Use a good potting soil and ensure that the drainage is good.
- Repot only when it is absolutely essential, as palms dislike root disturbance. Always ensure that the new soil is firmly compacted if you do repot.
- Water liberally in spring and summer, sparingly in winter.
- Mist the plants frequently with water and sponge the leaves occasionally with water.
- Do not use an aerosol leaf shine.
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Lilacs are one of the most beloved plants in the U.S. and their sweetly scented, panicles of flowers are something that gardeners the world over look forward to every spring.
Lilacs date all the way back to 16th Century European gardens, and westward pioneers would bring along cuttings of their prized specimens to plant once they settled in their new home.
Lilacs are actually related to the olive family and other scented plants, including privets and jasmine. But the flowers of the Syringa species are the showiest.
In fact, sometimes the stems are so heavy from the weight of the blooms that they nod, giving the plant an arching, graceful appearance.
Many lilacs are hybrids between the common lilac and other species.
The subtle differences such as size, color and flower shape allow gardeners to use them in almost any situation.
In cold regions, lilacs do best in full sun locations, while in hot summer areas they perform best shaded from the afternoon sun.
Lilacs are deciduous and come in a variety of colors that will please even the most discriminate gardener. Flower colors range from true lilac, red lilac, and lavender-lilac to blue, pink, purple, white, creamy yellow and even variegated selections.
Most lilacs don't need to be pruned at all, but if they require a little shaping it's best to prune them immediately after they bloom. Lilacs do best with regular watering although once established, they don't usually require water more than once per week.
They are fairly pest and disease resistant and look their best when fed every two months, starting after the blooms are finished until the end of summer.
We have a great selection of lilacs available in the nursery now. We invite you to visit us, view our selection, and select your plants before they find a home in your neighbor's garden!
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What's the difference between chewing, rasping and sucking insects?
The mouthparts of insects have adapted over time to suit the feeding style of each type of insect.
Mouth parts differ from insect to insect, so the damage that they cause is useful in the classification and identification of the pest. Differentiating the type of insect damage will help you determine how to control the pest.
A chewing insect is any insect that has teeth. Most winged chewing insects (such as beetles, caterpillars and grasshoppers) feed only on leaf tissue, working from the leaf edge towards the center and eventually to the leaf stem.
Crawling chewing insects, such as cutworms, will also eat roots and even stems of small plants.
Rasping insects (such as mites and thrips) and gastropods (snails and slugs) actually scrape off the surface of the leaves as sandpaper would.
They suck up the fluids from the top layer of cells until all the green tissue has been consumed, leaving only the skeleton behind.
Sucking insects (such as aphids and whiteflies) have slender mouth parts with which they pierce leaves and stems to suck out plant fluids. Large populations can cause curling, yellowing and distortion of leaves, as well as stunting of shoots.
Most sucking insects also produce large quantities of a sticky substance known as honeydew, which often turns black with the growth of a sooty mold fungus.
If you're not sure what type of insect is attacking your plant, just bring in a sample and one of our nursery experts will recommend a remedy to help your plant.
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What You'll Need:
- 1 package of your favorite link sausage (any will do: bratwurst, knockwurst...sausage links)
- 1 green onion, rough chopped
- 1 white onion, rough chopped
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1 cup of dark stout beer
- Salt and pepper to taste
Step by Step:
- In a large skillet, place olive oil and bring to medium heat.
- Add green peppers and onions, allow the onions to cook until translucent.
- Add the sausage, then add the stout beer.
- Cover and allow to cook on medium low heat for approximately 20 minutes.
- Serve over mashed potatoes, pasta or rice!
This is a super-easy, quick recipe that is sure to please!