 An exceptional potting soil for indoor and outdoor containers.
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December |
Getting a Jump on Weeds: After a dry summer, even a slight rain can cause weeds to spring to life. Remove them now by hand. The ground is soft after a rain so the work is easy. Once removed, cover the ground with about two inches of mulch. Mulch suppresses weed growth. Make sure the layer of mulch is thick enough so weeds cannot find an opportunity to find sunlight and grow. Eliminating weeds now will make it easier to keep weeds in check in spring and summer.
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(562) 804-2513
6220 Lakewood Blvd
Lakewood, CA 90712
Monday through Friday: 7:30 - 5:00
Saturday: 8:00 - 5:00
Sunday: 9:00 - 4:00
 Helps produce more abundant, better tasting and more nutritious vegetables.
 Especially formulated for the needs of palm, cactus, citrus & succulents.
 Ideal for a variety of in-ground and container planting.
Featured Quote:
"From December to March, there are for many of us three gardens--the garden outdoors, the garden of pots and bowls in the house, and the garden of the mind's eye."
Katherine S. White
Holiday Hours:
Tuesday, 12/24 - 7:30 to 12:00
Wednesday, 12/25 - Closed
Thursday, 12/26 - 7:30 to 5:00
Tuesday, 12/31 - 7:30 to 2:00
Wednesday, 1/1 - Closed
Thursday, 1/2 7:30 to 5:00

• The first commercial Christmas cards were commissioned in London, in 1843, by Sir Henry Cole, with illustration by John Callcott Horsley. President Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the first official White House card in 1953.
• "Rudolph" was actually created by Robert May for Montgomery Ward in the late 1930's as a holiday promotion. The song was written later by Johnny Marks, and recorded by Gene Autry in 1949; it promptly sold about 2 million copies.
• Christmas became an official national holiday in the USA on June 28, 1870.
• Poinsettias are the most popular Christmas plant and are the number one "flowering" potted plant in the United States.
 • Franklin Pierce put the first Christmas tree in the White House (in 1856), for a group of Washington Sunday School children. Benjamin Harrison is credited with starting the tradition of the White House tree, being the first to have a decorated family Christmas tree in the White House in 1889, and Calvin Coolidge put the first National Christmas Tree on the White House lawn (not in the White House) in 1923.
• The first reported electrically lit Christmas tree was in December, 1882. The world's first practical light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison in 1879, and a mere three years later, in 1882, an officer of Edison's electric company, one Edward Johnson, electrically lit a Christmas tree for the first time. In 1917, after a tragic fire in New York City that was caused by Christmas candles, Albert Sadacca (fifteen years old at the time) invented safety lights for Christmas trees.
Decorating a live Christmas tree outdoors became popular, and eventually moved to indoor trees. The outdoor lights also moved onto houses, and decorating houses in lights became (and has remained) popular.
• Christmas trees are grown in all 50 states, including Hawaii and Alaska.
• In 1979, the National Christmas Tree was not lighted except for the top ornament. This was done because of the American hostages in Iran.
• According to the Guinness World Records, the world's tallest cut Christmas tree was a 221' Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) erected and decorated at Northgate Shopping Center, Seattle, Washington, USA, in December 1950.
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Not all plants are created equal in the eyes of children. Although they don't differentiate when it comes to flowers and vegetables or annuals and perennials, kids have their hands-down favorites. They prefer huge flowers like marigolds, petunias, and sunflowers and small vegetables like cherry tomatoes, dwarf carrots, and radishes.
They love unique color shades, too, so make sure to include flowers with multi-colorings such as pansy, snapdragon and striped impatiens, and vegetables such as purple carrots, and 'Easter Egg' radishes, along with striped beets and tomatoes.
Textured plants are irresistible. If your conditions are right for them, include the fuzzy woolly thyme and lamb's ears, the prickly coneflower and strawflowers (for sunny locations) and donkey tail fern, maidenhair fern and columbine (for shadier spots).
Fragrant plants transport the imagination. If you grow them now, your child will always remember the scents of gardenia, heliotrope, roses, peonies, and lilacs. If you show them which plants to rub between their fingers, they'll never forget lavender, chocolate and pineapple mint, lemon balm, rosemary, basil, and scented geraniums.
Butterflies fascinate children, and there are many colorful plants that that will attract them. Consider including butterfly bush, lantana, monarda, salvia, sweet peas, and veronica--but don't overlook carrots, dill, fennel, and parsley to round out their diet.
Positively pickable plants also get the thumbs-up from kids. While mom's landscape may be off-limits for bouquet gathering, children should have free rein over certain cutting gardens. Cosmos, snapdragon, salvia, zinnia, coleus, and celosia are just a few that will produce more blooms if frequently picked.
Don't overlook spring- and summer-flowering bulbs that hold the promise and surprise of things to come. Use the same rules as above when selecting colors and varieties.
Gardening can truly be a fun experience for children. So start planning their garden today. You'll be getting started on creating memories that will last a lifetime.
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By Tamara Galbraith
Soon after the festivities end, your once-fresh Christmas tree begins moving from Christmassy to crispy. No matter. When you're ready to take down the decorations, explore all your options of how to reuse or recycle.
Many communities across the country offer a recycling program, whereby trees are collected and ground up into mulch for municipal use. Areas with lots of man-made lakes sometimes collect and sink old trees into waterways to slow erosion. Check with your local city government or county Extension Office to see if such a tree collection program is in place.
Also, if you have the space and don't mind "the natural look" in your landscape, lay your old tree in a remote corner of your yard; it will make a great hiding and nesting place for birds, rabbits and other small creatures. If you have a compost pile, you can cut the branches into small pieces, and add them to the compost pile. It will take time, but they will break down to beautiful soil.
Whatever you choose, be sure all the non-natural decorations, like tinsel and ornament hooks, have been removed. While sparkly mulch might have an interesting look, it's not very good for the environment.
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How can I get my poinsettias to re-bloom next year?
- Fertilize your plant every two weeks after the blooming season with a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer. Continue through August.
- By March or early April, when the colored bracts begin to turn or fall, cut the plant back, leaving 4 to 6 buds.
- Re-pot into a slightly larger container (2-3 inches larger in diameter).
- Keep the plant indoors near (not directly in) a sunny window or outdoors in a morning sun-afternoon shade location. Water and fertilize regularly, and by the end of May you should see vigorous new growth.
- Make sure to turn the plant so that the new growth grows evenly on all sides.
- If you have been growing them outdoors in the summer, when fall comes bring your poinsettia indoors to a sunny location before night temperatures fall below 55-60°F at night. Check for pests and diseases and place the poinsettia in a south window.
- Poinsettias begin to set buds and produce flowers as the nights become longer.
- Beginning October 1, keep your plants in complete darkness for 14 continuous hours each night by moving it into a dark room or placing a large box over it.
- During the day, allow 6-8 hours of bright sunlight. Flowers should mature in 60-85 days.
- Continue this for 8-10 weeks, and your poinsettias should develop a colorful display of holiday blooms!
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Makes a unique--and delicious--centerpiece for the table!
What You'll Need:
- 8 ounce cream cheese, softened
- 1/2 cup sour cream
- 1/2 cup ranch dip
- 1 cup shredded cheese of your choice (whatever you like best works for this)
- 1 teaspoon horseradish sauce (if using raw horseradish, use 1/2 teaspoon)
- 1/4 cup chopped/diced black olives
- 1 round bread loaf
Step by Step:
- Remove the center from bread loaf, leaving 1/2" thickness all the way around the sides, making a bowl out of the loaf.
- Combine cream cheese, sour cream, ranch dip, and horseradish sauce together until smooth (beat on medium in a mixer).
- Gently fold in the shredded cheese and black olives.
- Place inside the bread bowl, cover with foil and chill 1 hour.
- Serve with veggies, crackers or chips!